Character Problem with Stay on Screen

The object (player). I can send you the game link if I find out how.

maybe I can set you as one of the owners?

Is the game source online, and not on your computer?

Well, it’s on my pc.

Can you zip the project and put it on the fileshare/

sure! I can try that.

Ok, here you go!

Nope still the same problem i cant open it.I have allowed pop ups

Can you use invite collaborators and invite me. My username is Phoenix99

Thanks for the link to the project. It’s the pixel perfect movement extension that’s causing the issue, in particular the pixel perfect top-down behaviour. As soon as I took that off the object, it moved off the edges without a pause like before.

I’m don’t know how to fix that, but I’m including the creator of the extension in case they can help.

@davy, I’m including you in on this thread because it’s about an extension you created and may be able to help with it.

hmmmm, I can make you owner! Just tell me your user and I can make you owner!

I did! Its Phoenix99. Thanks in advance im promise ill fix it!

When MrMen mentioned pixel perfect movement
It came to me in one game because i had pixel perfect movement
It was bugging out some of objects i use it for
But problem was not pixel perfect movement itself
It was the fact that i changed collision mask of my objects
So i applied to them collision mask size of themselves
Meaning maximum collision mask i could set
And then it did work for me
Yet i do not remember what was the issue i only remember there was some issue and that was the fix
Maybe it is same story for you

Have you done it yet?

Ok, it is the same story for me.

I’ll do it right now, unfortunately I was asleep.

I dont get it where will i get your game in gdevelop?

im not sure yet, im just waiting for davy to come and help us

I dont see any problem with the game i dont know what happened to player but it was like this when i opened it.