GDevApp : the online, codingless app to create games

How can I share events in GDevApp? Or if this option is not available yet, when will be?
Also just to mention, seems like physics and text object doesn’t work in GDevApp just because I think you have mentioned somewhere “in theory” everything should work including automatisms (HTML5 features) because the code base is the same as GDevelop or something like that.
Just saying but let me know if you don’t want to bother with such things as long they are not available in GDevApp officially. :unamused:

I’m still working on improving the events editor to easily share events and adding the text object (The codebase is the same, but not all extensions are available as objects still need some adaptations).
Physics is not yet ready, because it requires porting the interface to edit parameters.

why i can’t connect to

why i can’t connect to gdevapp :frowning:( ??