Tutorial: How to get your HTML5 game made with GD on Kong!

This tutorial will explain how to get your game on site like Kongregate. This doesn’t cover any advanced subject like using Kong leaderboards/API in your game as I don’t know this myself.

First of all, log in into your Kong Account. This is easiest step :wink:.

Next go to Upload game.

Fill in game details such as game’s name, description and instructions. Unless someone helped you with game, you can leave contributors list empty as well. It is safe to leave API callback URL not filled too.

Now the tricky part (I assume you already build your game for web from GD. If not - do it now!).

You upload your index.html file as game file. Enter width and height of game’s area as well (you can get it from within GD).

Next check “I would like to upload additional files for my game”

It’s bit a tricky part. First you need to put your game’s data into ZIP file. Data need to be in root of ZIP and cannot contain index.html file (we uploaded it separately, remember?)

Now we need game icon. It needs to be 250x200px at least. Icon is required to publish your game.. If you don’t plan upload game to other services such as your own site or gdshare, you can check “This game is exclusive to Kongregate” for a bit of more ad revenue.

Next step is to check all checkboxes under license agreement. Now you can upload your game! After verifying game plays OK, you can hit publish to make game go live! Awesome, isn’t it?

Excellent!, thanks :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Now the question is, how the hell do you use the Kongregate API? :astonished:

Dunno. If I’d knew, I’d:
a) work on game that utilize it and isn’t a joke game as one I recently released
b) make tutorial.

Perhaps Florian or someone who know how to write extensions and can figure it out could make Kongregate extension to simplify it (similar to build-in Kongregate functionality in Stencyl).

Nice, added here:GDevelop 5 [GDevelop wiki] :smiley:
For the Kongregate API, I think that an extension should be made to use it efficiently.

Are you suggesting you will make an extension? Perhaps for the next release? :wink:

No, he is suggesting that to efficiently use Kong API an extension is needed. He did not say he’ll be making any (though it would be cool if he did), so please stop seeing things that aren’t there :wink:.

I was asking if Florian intends to make one or not. Florian, are you intending to make such an extension? I know there are many many things for you to do though…

Frankly I think he should prioritize Android support. Android is growing market, with lots of money to be made of. Of course to do that, extensions for various monetization providers should be created, as free games with IAP/ads makes more money than “for sale” games.

Actually, I know a couple of mobile developers and they make literally about 10x more on IOS than Android. In fact, the difference is so large they often don’t even make Android versions anymore.

Give it few years so Apple will be in same place where it was before return of Jobs and creating iPhone. Just a hipster toymaker. Let them bleed and Android will shine.

And those devs probably makes crappy games that can’t go well in such competitive market like Android, not such wallgarden shit like AppStore where they’ll remove so-called clones on request because Apple is made of bunch of sissies that fears lawyers.

Take a look if you want (they mostly make puzzle games): lightwoodgames.com/

To be honest, I’ve played a couple of them and they are quite fun (even if the target market for most games is 30-55 year old women). :laughing:
You can also see the IPhone version of StakBots on there, which I’m currently developing for online play @ Kongregate and GameJolt and (possibly) Newgrounds.