Graphical glitch in the scene editor.

When I scale an object in the scene editor I get graphical glitches.
Just scale an object, run preview and after I get this:

Tried with different projects, in the platfromer template for some reason I can not reproduce for whatever reason, but in all other projects I have tried I can.

Using latest Firefox on Ubuntu 14.04

Wow! Looks… great… :smiley:
(Remind me of normal maps) :neutral_face:

EDIT: Just to confirm the glitch under Windows 7 - Chrome:

Can you open up the developer console (press F12) and copy here everything that is displayed inside the console? :slight_smile:

Here is it:

"pre-main prep time: 245 ms" libGD.js:119 "Initializing GDJS platform" libGD.js:116 "* Loading builtin extensions... BuiltinObject, Sprite, BuiltinCommonInstructions, BuiltinCommonConversions, BuiltinVariables, BuiltinMouse, BuiltinKeyboard, BuiltinJoystick, BuiltinScene, BuiltinTime, BuiltinMathematicalTools, BuiltinCamera, BuiltinAudio, BuiltinFile, BuiltinNetwork, BuiltinWindow, BuiltinStringInstructions, BuiltinAdvanced, BuiltinExternalLayouts, done." libGD.js:116 "PlatformAutomatism, DestroyOutsideAutomatism, TiledSpriteObject, DraggableAutomatism, TopDownMovementAutomatism, TextObject, Platform initialization ended." libGD.js:116 "fade" "/home" "/home" contact.js:8 Empty string passed to getElementById(). jquery.js:2759 "fade" "/sceneeditor" "/sceneeditor" contact.js:8 Empty string passed to getElementById(). jquery.js:2759 "Pixi.js v1.6.1 -" pixi.js:12 Empty string passed to getElementById(). jquery.js:2759 "mouseX" 511.5 sceneArea.js:718 "resizeButtonX" 498 sceneArea.js:719 "resizeButtonX+resizeButtonWidth" 516 sceneArea.js:720 Empty string passed to getElementById(). jquery.js:2759 "fade" "/eventseditor" "/eventseditor" contact.js:8 Empty string passed to getElementById(). jquery.js:2759 "fade" "/sceneeditor" "/sceneeditor" contact.js:8 Empty string passed to getElementById(). jquery.js:2759 Error: WebGL: bindBuffer: object from different WebGL context (or older generation of this one) passed as argument pixi.js:13 Error: WebGL: No further warnings will be reported for this WebGL context (already reported 32 warnings) pixi.js:13 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead.

Looks like a bug inside Pixi.js, the rendering engine used by GD. You can try to workaround this bug for now by either reloading the page or deactivating WebGL in your browser ( … hrome.html) when using GDevApp (activate it again).

I’m going to search for what is causing this glitch.