GDevelop 5 new editor - Beta versions

So… I had the impression for almost 4 years I can not and I can use only square :astonished:
What :confused: :neutral_face:

Had to be a time break at some point wondering what else has changed… Dammit my balance is still 0 :cry:
But in this case, my question regarding whether or not the editor is planned to come in GD5 is more relevant :slight_smile:
You need an editor to edit collision mask but there is no mention of it.
The scene, object and event editor seemed to be considered done as it moved from the list of things to do and 4ian seem to be focusing on internal work, import/export/compilation and UI staff at the moment.

There is no mention of the point, expression and the collision mask editor :confused:

Sorry if this wasn’t clear, but it is planned to add them! :slight_smile:
It’s just that I have to make choice about what to implement first, because I can’t do everything at the same time so I prioritize features until we have “everything” (by everything I mean most if not all features of GD4 can be used in GD5)

I’ve added them to the roadmap to avoid confusion:
See here: … he-new-ide
and here: … he-new-ide

Why not? Just open multiple windows or a Mac can’t do that :confused: :smiling_imp:

Hi 4ian,

I would love to help out with the newIDE and docs where I can.

I’m familiar with React and have used a bit of Storybook and can probably help out with smaller issues.

Is there a list of bugs/things to be implemented somewhere?


Basic rule of software or game development: never say “just” :slight_smile:
It’s maybe not complicated, but it still require time and today I have precisely 20 minutes to work on GD so better do things that I can do ever more quickly :slight_smile:

Thanks for asking! Unfortunately not really, there is the roadmap :
but it’s a high level view.
I’ve made a short list here: … contribute - it’s still a medium/high level view but that could help :slight_smile:

I’ve a list of things to fixes , but it’s not public (and not properly written, I think it can only be understand by me :laughing: ). I still recommend that you start by something simple like fixing typo, fix a bug you’ve found, or adding some keyboard shortcut!
The wiki would really need a new tutorial : or you can also write documentations for already existing editors! :smiley:

@Nnarol I’ve implemented cancel buttons in Objects editors and object groups editor :slight_smile: (Will be in next version)

Also I think that the best way to discuss about interface changes is to upload a quick mockup/design or some drawing of your suggestion. Should ease the discussion and that sounds like a good practice as it will help everyone to see immediately is something is doable/pretty and looks usable and understandable. :slight_smile:

You know what I think about this and in my opinion in the current state of GD5 when anything and everything could change, small examples would be 1000 times more helpful… Something like a dedicated example page accessible directly from GD5 and the front page. If you consider it, I would be interested to help making small examples like:
-create sprite in position of mouse click
-move sprite with arrow keys and move toward position of click/touch
-rotate sprite with arrow keys and rotate toward position of click/touch
-scale sprite with arrow keys
-change opacity when sprite is clicked
-select animation frame by pressing a key
-change animation on key press
-play sound…etc

And a bunch of other small, simple examples, building blocks of a complete game eventually that would definitely help new starters… Of course we can share it on the forum and the wiki already but it would be not the same as a dedicated example page. Even though I have collected examples on the GD4 wiki, people still asking how to do things that is already there because probably they did’n find it. So GD5 need a dedicated example page for one thing and the other thing is that because I’m talking about really small and simple examples it would be a pain to keep downloading them, unzipping them and open them manually. A new starter would definitely want to have a look at them all. I was suggesting earlier to make it so that people can download and open the examples directly in GD5 with a click of a button and include stock sprites with GD5 that would be used in this examples so we can keep the download small and instant by downloading and opening nothing but the project file as the assets already included with GD.

If you consider at least the dedicated example page or at least a button on the front page lead to examples section on the wiki or something, I’m interested to help with small examples like I mentioned above :slight_smile:

But what I really have in mind is something like Phaser example page:

To see the example in action on the page and open it with a click of a button would be more attractive than a bunch of download link on the wiki or the forum and also practical :unamused:
Actually we could even use GD in the browser to open it directly so people can play with it and offer to download the project to continue offline :mrgreen:

Thanks for the reply @4ian.

I might start a new thread to discuss doc improvements.

100% agree! I do think that small examples would be really useful! Maybe I wasn’t clear, but by tutorials I also include very short tutorials/examples that one could use for small feature to add to the game. :smiley:

That would be the best! :slight_smile:

Indeed, I do think we need a lot of small tutorials (one short page) with examples. It’s definitely something I want to improve with GD5!
I’m going to see what I can do. I’ve created a card on the roadmap: … y-from-gd5

A good start could be to complete the GD5 wiki pages concerning the editor, with a few examples showing features related to the editor maybe?

Thanks! :slight_smile: Please post the link to the thread here so people can follow the discussion :smiley:


What a great idea! I guess I’ll look up a mockup tool and draw down what I meant.
The question still persists though: How do I embed images correctly? When using the built-in button, i just get the unclickable text “Image”, but using a normal link doesn’t expand to an image.
EDIT: nevermind, I found it. If someone wants to know: use the “Attache file” option to upload a local image file, then select “Inline” to embed the image.

All right all. I’ve set up a docs thread.

Join in :smiley:

Yes it makes sense for the small ones I mentioned, I’ll try to do some this weekend but in my opinion a dedicated example page with in-browser preview would be more practical for more complex examples because people with limited english knowledge could still contribute with great examples and it could be more visible on the front page… I don’t know what is the statistics but polished and practical examples visible on front page (next to download button) could also boost the number of downloads… Just think of the people come and ask the “can I do this and can I do that” questions before actually start using it and ask for proof. Guess you can also tell how many people visit the front page and actually leave without click the download button.

Of course to keep the quality high and the content polished and practical would also require some sort of quality control… If it concerns you I volunteer to be the admin of such example page and hand pick the best ones, accept submissions, kindly reject the ones add no value, spams (no real examples just jokes) or poorly made attempt to improve it maybe and also make ones myself.

I take the opportunity to thank 4ian for his work for a long time sacrificing his free time for this program, so this tool has enormous potential, THANK YOU really and sincerely.

Any updates just fine that is not a drastic change, nothing I wanted to ask but how does it work I see that with gdevelop5 when it opens it connects to amazon it’s by chance this the future ?? that is somehow connected?

and thanks also to ddabrahim for all the advice and ideas are a great thing for future changes the ideas of this user are not to be underestimated knows what he says.

Good evening.

Awesome work 4ian. Few questions from me:-

1)Would like to know do you plan to implement monetization ? IAP, Admob, Chartboost, UnityAds and etc for GD5 ?

2)What about the export process for Mobiles and desktop platforms ? For mobile is it Cordova/PhoneGap/ ? Or better is it going to be native Xcode, Android Studio, Visual Studio, CodeBlock ?

3)What platforms do you plan to support ? (Amazon, Google , IOS, Facebook gameroom, UWP, Steam )

4)What is your target timeline for GD5 v1 ?

5)GD5 for 2D and 3D games ?

6)How do you sustain your business ? I really hope you wont implement subscription payment like C3. I hated it. My suggestions are keep the core free, but maybe do a pro version with all the monetization (IAP, Ads, a cloud build feature for android and IOS) ready and fully supported to help you make money and continue improving GD5 and etc. Just please don’t do subscription payment…

Everything is looking great, in fact if you continue improving GD5, some or maybe most of C2 user might be moving to GD5 instead of C3.

May I suggest to make the headers on the GD5 wiki blue color? On the page I’m making when I set a text to be a header it is barely visible on the white background. :neutral_face:
I think blue would be nice, similar blue to the buttons

I have sort of done the first page with some examples on the bottom: … ase_object

Let me know if it is what you had in mind but I would still prefer all the examples in one place and maybe just put links to the examples on the bottom of each wiki page maybe so in case people want nothing but examples can still find them all in one place…

I could use the wiki of course to do just that, but what I would like to do really is create it own page of every example regardless how small or big it is and embed the project so people can try it in the browser and offer a link to download the project or open in GDevelop5 maybe. But it would require the option to embed the examples in to the wiki page and require a host…

Checking out that article reminded me a little problem I have with the GUI, would be possible to reduce the margin/padding of the components?, I mean there are empty spaces everywhere, and showing 5 lines of properties (X, Y, Variables, Name, etc.) take the entire screen.
Would it be possible to change the padding, font size, and other GUI related option in the application settings? :confused:

While 4ian find the time to visit us and reply to our question, let me reply some of yours and add some of my own thoughts as well.

I’m sure it is coming but personally I can’t see the point of ads. I always ignore the ads and if I can I even block the game from accessing the internet so it won’t display any ads and if the game won’t run without internet connection and force me this way to let the ads come through I more likely uninstall the game straight away. The game must be really good to make me tolerate ads, the only kind of monetization that makes sense in my opinion is IAP and I hope it is the first on the list among other options.

GDevelop is 2D only as it is using 2D only libraries such as Pixi.js and Cocos2D.js the editor is also made with 2D content in mind.
So 3D would require not only a new library but also a new proper 3D editor and it is unlikely to happen in the near future in my opinion.

I would expect some sort of subscription on the web version of GDevelop at though in my opinion it needs to be a lot cheaper then it was before or it needs to offer all the cloud features that C3 does.

It is difficult situation because if you offer a web version you obviously can’t host it for free forever. Bandwidth and Storage cost money you just can’t give it away for free. But then if you offer a free desktop version it just ruin the whole thing as nobody going to use the web version unless they are looking for the option to create, build, store, share and collaborate in the cloud but I would not expect anyone interested in that other than indies and pros who actually developing a game in a team. Hobbyist who just jump on and off and try things on their own once a week unlikely to be interested in that as long there is a free offline option. That’s why there is no true stand alone offline version for C3 in my opinion but it is offer a lot for it price so it is not so bad. If I would ever make a commercial game I would definitely go with… something else as long I have other option :smiling_imp: But in case there would be no offline option and i need to use the cloud, C3 is a pretty good deal in my opinion if making games in the cloud is interest of yours.

Yes, that is totally true but I guess it is because GDevelop 5 is in development with touch screens in mind. It is a lot easier to use it on a touch screen with more space around each option but who is going to use it on a touch screen is an other question on it own. As long I have a mouse I would definitely not use a touch screen.

I’m also not happy with the color choices, white and light grey don’t work well together in my opinion also the white background (also because of the lot of empty white spaces) is hurting my eyes I can’t use it for long. I would prefer to see a dark grey theming but I hope a theme editor will be included in the final build to change sizes and colors :slight_smile:

Okay. So based on this, an offline editor would make a lot more sense. It is not as expensive due to not having to provide storage and use bandwidth, and more attractive, so in the end, it won’t need a subscription model.
I don’t know what direction GDevelop is headed, but I for my part agree with you that I’d use an offline editor over a cloud-based one any time of the day.

Again, can’t disagree. :smiley:

Actually, I also mentioned the bright theme as a source of inconvenience, particularly in the event editor.
The dark gray theming is a great idea in my opinion, I haven’t even thought of that!